Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Prostitution of Science

The criteria for ranking a country should not be based on the existence of certain advanced services. The correct measure is the degree of guarantee of the availability of such services to all citizens. Under Mr. Bush, our nation has been lowered in rank to a third world country.

This article attempts to illustrate a form of prostitution associated with the essential services of our nation enforced by the privileged class of Mr. Bush. Confining the use of such services to the royal class of the privileged ones is a practice of the past. Humanity has come a long way in facilitating the distribution and use of scientific and technological achievements. Imposing artificial limits on the availability of essential services is a sickening form of fascism that humanity must eradicate as a continuation of the process of eliminating dictators.

The privileged ones love prostitution resulting from imposed poverty. This kind of control guarantees that a cure for a major disease, such as cancer or the Alzheimer’s will be readily available to them. The term prostitution is used to clearly indicate that most scientific research is done in order to sell the cures to the privileged class who can afford it. Thus, unless you are rich you are not a human and therefore the product of research does not apply to you.

So, why does a physician go through a harsh program for learning the profession? After all, physicians deal with human body, which has no indication of rich or poor. For a physician, a patient is just a human in need of their professional attention. Nonetheless, a physician cannot work for free when he/she must pay for everything. It is therefore the system that makes it appear as if a physician only prostitutes his/her services to those who can afford it. A physician’s service is not for sale, but the privileged ones like it that way because it guarantees its immediate availability upon their demand, same as paying for prostitution.

Selling products of scientific research to a class of people who can afford is by no means objectionable. However, when such products relate to matters of health, education and similar essential human needs, there should not be objection to the role of the government in making them available to the entire nation, either.

America has the capacity to take care of its citizens without resorting to charitable institutions. Such institutions are indispensable in complementing minor cases of irregularities that may occur locally, or in major cases of natural disasters. However, they are not suitable mechanisms as a substitute for lack of government planning.

The ranking of a country should not be based on the luxurious life of a small percentage of its population. As far as living conditions for the majority of our population we are a third world country. The existence of advanced services does not guarantee their availability to the citizens. Quite to the contrary, our social system or lack of it, guarantees the denial of such services to the much larger portion of the nation.

Essential services are protected with the invisible fence of increasing cost. This artificial monetary control keeps them off limits thereby ensuring their prompt availability for the privileged class. It goes without saying that a lot of such essential services are wasted, like a pile of good food that a rich throws away after each meal.

It should also be clear that the reduction in the number of people who can afford essential services increases their cost, and discourages interest in pursuing the profession. Since Mr. Bush holds an MBA, I must assume that he has done everything with perfect understanding of the consequences of his actions. What is not a mistake is the result of deliberation.

Mr. Bush has looted the nation’s budget for the next several years and presented it as a gift to his privileged class. In effect, he has foreclosed the country on the middle class. After he leaves the White House, the slaves of the middle class will begin their agonizing recovery from debt for years without the monetary power to pay for their families’ essential needs. The only solution is to take back the gifts and use them in providing the essential needs. This will help the recovery of the middle class without the unfair denial of basic benefits for working so hard in the most advanced country in the world.

Vultures feed on weak preys and a strong democracy will curtail the abundance of victims. Therefore, their starting point has been the weakening of our democracy through lies and deceptions, simply labeled as politics. Few democratic nations in history have painfully counted the days remaining for their leader to leave the seat of power. I have a feeling that history will record Mr. Bush’s departure as a mini-independence day.

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